If you haven't tried one of Chef Cory's latest creations yet, you are missing out! Always a work of art and an incredible...
Chef Cory's Cheese and Charcuterie Slate is filled with deliciousness and is back on both the lunch and dinner...
For our daily fish dinner special created by Chef Cory we have Local Big Eye Tuna with a sautée of mixed peas...
Another one of Chef Cory's amazing daily fresh fish specialties served for dinner. Local Big Eye Tuna with...
One of Chef Cory's delicious creations that has been a summer favorite from our dinner menu. Perfectly seared...
Designed for groups of 4 to enjoy at a great price. Price includes 4 main course entrée portions, salad to feed...
So tasty and juicy! Bigeye tuna with a sautée of mixed local peas and beans, chorizo, heirloom cherry tomatoes,...
Sea Scallops with a sautée of sweet corn, pancetta, heirloom cherry tomatoes, zucchini, yellow squash. Swiss...
Did you miss Chef Cory's exceptional scallop special last night? We would we serve it again tonight, but this...