On Sundays, order one of our steak dinners and enjoy a seafood selection from the list of choices on us! Only...
The tapas selections our chef's are preparing for dinner are scrumptious! These seared scallops with lemon...
Join us this fall for Wine Down Wednesdays where with your entree purchase you can choose any bottle from our extensive...
Tender and juicy, our 8 ounce filet is grilled with sweet, mildly peppery pink peppercorns. Chef has deliciously...
For a special seafood treat during lunch our crab cake sandwich never disappoints. Pan seared crab meat that's...
Look what arrived fresh off the boat! Golden Tilefish caught right here on the Outer Banks off the coast of Hatteras....
Our summer grilled Scottish Salmon over asparagus and sundried tomato farrotto is a must try for fish lovers....
Barely getting anywhere in a slow moving line of traffic is never as fun as enjoying a gorgeous day at AQUA!...
Our shaved ribeye steak sandwich with sautéed bell peppers and onion is deliciously tender and covered in gooey...